Official journal of the Brazilian College of Animal Reproduction
v.4, n.3/4
Sources and functions of prostaglandins in the testis: evidences for their relevance in male (in)fertility - M.B. Frungieri, S.I. Gonzalez-Calvar, M.E. Matzkin, A. Mayerhofer, R.S. Calandra
Protein profile of uterine washings of cyclic and pregnant cows from Days 14 to 18 post-estrus - C. Niemeyer, A.F.P. Siqueira, M.I. Giassetti, E.O. Pontes, F. Fedozzi, M.C. Lima, C.M. Bertan, R.P. Arruda, M.A. Miglino, M. Binelli
Nuclear maturation and mitochondrial distribution in equine oocytes matured in vitro - J. Aguilar, C. Mas, M. Reyley, R. LudueƱa, H. Mouguelar, L. Losinno
Use of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG) for fixed-time artificial insemination in buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) - N.A.T. Carvalho, M. Nichi, C.E.P. Henriquez, C.A. Oliveira, P.S. Baruselli
Influence of osteopontin, casein and oviductal fluid on bovine sperm capacitation - D.W. Erikson, A.L. Way, R.P. Bertolla, D.A. Chapman, G.J. Killian
Effect of different cryoprotectant concentrations for ultrarapid freezing of immature goat follicular oocytes on their subsequent maturation and fertilization in vitro - N. Garg, G.N. Purohit
Evaluation of zinc gluconate, either associated or not to dimethyl sulfoxide, as contraceptive method for male dogs -F.R.M. Soto, W.G. Viana, A.J. Sousa, S.R. Pinheiro, G.B. Mucciolo, F.Y.M. Hosomi, S.S. Azevedo, R.A. Dias