Call for Papers and Abstracts
Invited papers
Instructions for Invited Speakers:
* The proceedings of the V International Symposium on Animal Biology of Reproduction (ISABR 2014) will be published as a special issue of Animal Reproduction (AR).
* The maximum length of each manuscript (review, mini review or original article) should be less than 40 double-spaced pages, including references, tables, and figures.
* Manuscripts will be peer-reviewed and edited before publication. Examples of published papers from the previous ISABR can be found in Anim. Reprod. 3(2):81-159, 2006, Anim. Reprod. 6(1):1-368, 2009, Anim. Reprod. 7(3):97-346, 2010, and Anim. Reprod. .9(4):699-1049 (
* For writing instructions, see the "Instructions to Authors" at the AR website (
* Invited manuscripts should be submitted through Animal Reproduction e-mail
* The deadline for manuscript submission is Jun 30, 2014.
Instructions to Authors for Posters and Oral presentations:
* The proceedings of the V International Symposium on Animal Biology of Reproduction (ISABR 2014) will be published as a special issue of Animal Reproduction (AR).
* Participants are encouraged to submit their original research results on any topic related to animal or human reproductive biology. Contents of abstracts should have not been published or presented previously at any major scientific meeting. Abstracts should be complete and contain the objectives, methods, results and conclusions.
* Authors may choose to present their abstracts as a poster or as an oral presentation (12 min + 3 min for questions). Each abstract will be peer-reviewed by the members of the Scientific Committee. The Scientific Committee will select abstracts for presentation in the Oral sessions and will notify all authors of their decision.
* Schedules for poster and oral presentations will be provided to all presenting authors on September 15th, 2014.
* The Organizing Committee regrets to be unable to provide financial support or travel grants to presenters.
Abstract format and submission:
* Abstracts will be received from May 1st to Jun 30th, 2014 through the ISABR website by the online system.
* Abstracts should be written in English.
* Only one poster per presenting author will be accepted.
* Authors will be able to check the status of the abstract and the status of the registration payment directly on the Animal Reproduction website (
* Registration of the presenting author must be done before the abstract submission. Accepted abstracts will be confirmed/published only after the registration fee payment by presenting author. All accepted abstracts will be included in the Symposium’s proceedings (to be published in a special issue of the journal Animal Reproduction).
* The abstract must be prepared using Microsoft Word.
* General instructions for preparation of abstracts:
* Please format abstract as a single A4 page (210 mm wide, 297 mm long) with 2.0 cm margins, single space, and single column. Title, authors’ names, affiliation, and the main text must be centered. Please prepare text using an 11-pt Times New Roman font.
* The title, author’s names and affiliations should be centered on successive lines. Presenting author’s name should be underlined. Author’s names and affiliations should be typed in mixed cases
* The text should be organized to include in its scope Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion. However, this aforementioned topics should not be written or highlighted in the text. The abstract must fit within a single page. Please do not include tables, figures, and photographs. (click here to see an example).
* The English accuracy is entirely the author’s responsibility.
* Abbreviations must be defined in full the first time they appear in the text. Please use the "Système Internationale (SI)" for units of measurement.
* For more writing instructions, see the "Instructions to Authors" of the Animal Reproduction
* Abstracts should be submitted through the ISABR website by the on-line system.
link to Online Submission
* Posters presentations
* Poster dimension should be 0.90 m (width) by 1.00 m (height)
* Illustrations (Tables, Figures) can be included in the poster.
* Posters will be affixed to poster boards.
* There will be two posters sessions. The list and the order of the abstracts presentation will be provided later.
* For your convenience, the location of your poster will be indicated in the appropriate poster session by a label containing the poster number, title and authors.
* Posters should be placed on the designated spots the morning scheduled for presentation (between 7 and 8 a.m.) and withdrawn in the evening of the same day.
* Authors presenting posters MUST be present in the designated area during the time period scheduled for the poster session to facilitate discussion with other delegates.
* Oral Presentations
* Presentations must be delivered in the English language.
* Only presentations in PowerPoint will be accepted.
* Please bring your presentation on digital media such as a pen drive, CD or DVD. Individual laptop computers MAY NOT be connected to projectors.
* Presentations should be uploaded to the computer in the Local Office of the V ISABR at your earliest convenience upon arrival; there will be a CBRA staff member to help you with the uploading procedure.
* We have allotted a total of 15 minutes for your presentation. This includes the questioning period. Therefore, you should plan your presentation so that it will not exceed 12 minutes in order to leave three minutes for questions. If your presentation exceeds 12 minutes, the time for questions will be shortened accordingly. Under no circumstances will you be allowed to speak for more than 15 minutes. We strongly recommend that you carefully plan and rehearse your presentation to ensure that you will stay within this time limit.
* Before the session for your scheduled presentation begins, please provide the presenting author name to the session chairperson.
* Link to Poster session list
* Link to Oral Presentations